Looking to make some extra income? Make $$$$ with your computer. There is literal gold right at your fingertips! Yep! That computer and keyboard you are using right now could be your key to a better financial future for you and your family. Not sure where to start? Don't let that stop you. There are many legitimate ways to earn money online. Newbies are joining and making money everday via the internet! Now it's your turn. Why not get started today!
Tuesday, November 3, 2009
Income At Your FingerTips!
Monday, August 3, 2009
Got the end of summer blues?
In my neck of the world I, we, have been truly blessed with some very unseasonable weather, especially fro the month's of June, July and August. Here in the midwest it is usually steaming hot in these months doing the summer.
I have not had to run my air conditioner most of the whole summer period, and I'm able to raise up a window or two and enjoy the fresh air blowing through them.
Also another blessing has been the low cost of auto fuel. Since I have a part time delivery route, I have saved lots of cash in my fuel cost.
So, now that summer is about over and the kids are heading back to school, what can you and I do to improve our lot in life?
Well if you're like me, you are probably researching ways,to generate more income.
Most parents know it cost a lot of $$$$ to send your kids to school, elementary, high school or college.
Now is the perfect time to look for ways to
work for yourself,from home, that is, if this is something your aspire to.
Why not make this the summer/fall that you reach for the dream in your heart of being your own boss, I know you can do it!
Sunday, July 26, 2009
How to know if you have entrepreneur DNA?
I like, no love, to watch, made for TV drama series like, CSI, Forensic Files, Cold Case, etc...
It always amazes me how law enforcement, sometimes after 30 years or more, can find a suspect, because of what is known as "DNA" evidence.
They can find DNA from spit, hair, heck they can even get you DNA from a bugger. It is almost impossible to commit a crime and not leave some form of DNA on the scene. They might not get you today, or tomorrow, oh but get you they will!!!
Do you know there is a way to know if you have the DNA of an entrepreneur? I don't mean DNA from your body, your parents or family line. No, what I mean, for the purpose of this post is, do you have the makings, the mentality, of a entrepreneur? There is a way you can know.
I listen to a lot of personal development and success motivation material, audio CD's and so forth. One thing I noticed as a common theme in the CD's is, most if not all of the speakers, who have obtained some degree of success, most say that when they were a young child, they had a desire to do great things in their life.
Because most of them came from poor families, they had to work at a very young age.
Many of them had paper routes, cut yards, sacked groceries, or found some way to make money, even if it meant baby sitting their siblings and hopefully getting paid a little money in exchange.
Most entrepreneur's are not satisfied with the status quo. Or, as I like to say they Do Not Accept- (DNA,) they do not accept being average.
I can remember in my youth, coming from a family of eight children. I was raised in a home with eight women, no men. MY mom and my seven sisters. Man did we have a lot of fun and love in my home, but money was always scarce.
My mother seemed to always be working. Thank god she managed to keep a roof over our head and food on the table, and she made certain that, at least for Christmas, my sisters and I got exactly what we wanted.
Now days, kids want allowances. Heck, if I had brought up I want an allowance to my mom, she would have knocked the crap out of me. Then she would have said, I got your allowance, I'm allowing you to live in my house, eat my food and sleep in my bed, you get my drift.
So I realized very quick, if I wanted some spending money, I was going to have to go out and earn it. So, I did.
I cut yards, worked on a friend of mine's, fathers trash truck. And, at age 13 I lied in order to get hired on a summer work program for youth, when you actually needed to be 14 or older to get hired.
By the time I was 15 1/2, I was working a full-time job, bought my first car at 16, and I bought my first house at 18 1/2 years old. I must admit I have been blessed.
What I am saying folks is, you can know if you have the makings of an entrepreneur, just look back over your youth. Did you just hang around the neighborhood, playing with your friends? Or were you dissatisfied enough that you looked for, and found ways, to put a little spending change in you pockets.
Lastly, as a tip. When and if you venture to go into business for yourself, especially something like network marketing, mlm or internet marketing. When you talk to others about joining your business venture, ask them about their child hood. Find out what kind of things, if any, they did to get some spending money when they were a child. That question can tell you alot about whether or not you have a great potentail business associate.
Until next time.
God bless!
"Sick and tired of all the lies and misinformation online? Can't get your Internet business off the ground? Get yourself a suite of killer marketing tools that will help bring you to the level of a six figure a year earner for a song. Get details in my free report by visiting my site at: InternetNewbieIncome.net Get it TODAY!"
Taking Action!
It's been a while since I last posted, I have been busy.
Over the past few weeks I have been, over and over, listening to a audio CD by a young entrepreneur, named Ephren Taylor, called, "Motivating The Conscious."
At the ripe old age of 12, Mr. Ephren Taylor created a video game, because his parents could not afford to buy him one.
That one experience of creating his own video game, and then selling copies of it to his classmates, led Ephren Taylor to go on in his teenage years, to own two multi- million dollar companies and taking them public.
You can find more information on Ephren Taylor and get his audio CD at: http://ephrentaylor.com/
On the audio CD, "Motivating The Conscious", there are four, male, African American, multi-millionaires, who have come together over breakfast to discuss how they themselves have become successful in the business world and sharing what it takes for others with the desire, to also become successful as an entrepreneur.
Of the many great comments that were made on the CD, one in particuliar, caught my attention, and that is, most people who have become successful in any kind of business venture or any worth while endeavour, it is usually because, they were put in some kind of "uncomfortable", do or die, postion in their life.
In my previous post, Are you a risk taker, I talked about a young couple who had, because of a job loss, pretty much been forced into starting their own business. The thing is, while this couple had employment, they had a desire to start a business, but, for whatever reason they never did, that is until, after, they lost their job, (things became uncomfortable in their life).
Why is it that we humans generally wait until our backs are up against the wall, that we then, take action.
I see people daily, who have great talents, but aren't using them, especially when there may be the potential for profit in it.
What will it take to make you "uncomfortable"?
Why wait until you lose a your job, get sick, or have some other tragedy happen in your life and puts you in an "uncomfortable" situation, that then might possibly cause you to, finally, take action towards that dream in you!
When will you take action and pull the trigger on that thing you do?
Until next post.
God Bless!
"Sick and tired of all the lies and misinformation online? Can't get your Internet business off the ground? Get yourself a suite of killer marketing tools that will help bring you to the level of a six figure a year earner for a song. Get details in my free report by visiting my site at: InternetNewbieIncome.net Get it TODAY!"
Saturday, July 11, 2009
Are you a risk taker?
Hope you all had a great July 4th.
I spent my day relaxing, thanking God for my American Freedoms.
As I was doing some summer cleaning today, I came across an older local newspaper article, that was written back in April 2009. It was highlighting a young couple in my city that had recently went through a loss of employment.
The husband had worked for one of the large telecommunication's companies in the city and had been laid off.
What I found interesting in their story was that now that the couple was without employment, they decided to try an attempt at a business venture.
Nothing wrong with that, and I commend them, but, from what I gathered in reading the article, this was something they had been wanting to do long before the layoff, but for whatever reason, they never took a chance prior to being laid off. So, now they were really banking on the success of the business for their sole survival.
I guess better late than never, but think how much easier and pressure free their business endeavour could have possibly been, if they had started their business while they were still already employed.
The good thing though, is they do have a niche product offering and they are utilizing the internet to market it.
I have found that so many times, for whatever reasons, we put off our dreams of doing or becoming something, that could quite possibly offer us a life filled with success.
Are you a risk taker? Because only risk takers really ever achieve much of anything worth while in life.
Funny thing is, we all take risk everyday, driving to and from work, in rush hour traffic. People are doing all kinds of crazy things while driving. They are texting, eating, talking on their cell phones. Talk about risk.
We take risk while we sleep, heck who knows what danger lurks just beyond our bedroom
walls. Thank God for his protection.
I am blessed to be employed presently, but I have had to take a 25% decrease in pay in my delivery route gig, and a pay freeze in my full time job, with possible future cuts and freezes coming. So I am looking for ways now to work for myself, especially in the arena of internet marketing.
So cyber family, how important is your freedom(s) to you and yours. Is it worth your taking a few risk to have a chance at a better life? Especially while you may have a current job, now is the time to take a few calculated risk.
Don't just step out there, get informed. do your research. There are multiple ways to earn additional income from the comfort of your home. And, it does not have to take a lot of money to start a business online.
You will have to do your due diligence in marketing and promoting your business, but it can be well worth the effort.
And remember, "do what is easy while things are hard, so that, when things get hard, you can do what is easy!"
Don't put off starting that business, writing that book or whatever thing you desire to do, any longer, get started on it today!!!!
"Sick and tired of all the lies and misinformation online? Can't get your Internet business off the ground? Get yourself a suite of killer marketing tools that will help bring you to the level of a six figure a year earner for a song. Get details in my free report by visiting my site at: InternetNewbieIncome.net Get it TODAY!"
Saturday, July 4, 2009
Declare Your Independence!
Happy 4th of July.
I think it is such a blessing to live in America. And though we have our faults as a nation, we really do get to enjoy so many freedoms, it's no wonder so many people from other nations, risk life and limb to get here.
So, are you taking full advantage of your freedoms. Can you and I say that we are living the kind of life we "truly desire?"
I presently work a full time job and a part-time delivery route. Neither job is what I would consider hard work, although I can get pretty busy at times. However, I have been blessed to work with some really great people, and for the most part I get to work pretty much to myself.
And although I make a decent salary for the work I do, I do not quite have the time freedom that I truly desire. Therefore I have taken the bold step of investigating home business ventures.
For the enterprising, I have discovered that there is a lot of opportunity out there, but, you have to know where to look, or you can end up wasting a lot of precious time.
I have been in some sort of biz-opp for a couple of decades now, and I've had a few successes here and there, meaning, I did make some money, just not enough to quite declare my financial independence nor time freedom. At least not just yet.
So cyber family, what are you doing, or what are you going to do to declare your independence? Your true independence.
It is quite obvious, the work place climate is rapdly changing in our nation, heck the world, now that we have a global economy.
I encourage you to began to look at ways that will increase your value in the market place.
I like something that motivational speaker Zig Ziglar said, and that is, "if you help enough people get what they want, then you will get what you want."
A famous buzz saying around the internet marketing world is, "find a niche and get rich."
Basically, they are saying, find a "solution" to a problem someone is having and you can most likely make a good income from it. Depending what it is.
So, cyber family let's you and I get our thinking caps on and began to look for ways to solve one anothers problems, while earning $$$$ at the same time.
Declare your independence today. I believe the world will be the better for it!
"Sick and tired of all the lies and misinformation online? Can't get your Internet business off the ground? Get yourself a suite of killer marketing tools that will help bring you to the level of a six figure a year earner for a song. Get details in my free report by visiting my site at: InternetNewbieIncome.net Get it TODAY!"
Saturday, June 27, 2009
Life, How will you be remembered?
This has been one heck of a week in our nation. Most of the nation has been dealing with extreme heat and/or storms of some sort, and watching the turmoil in Iran. Thank God for our American freedoms!
Now to the celebrity front, where we have lost three greats in their own rights, all within a few days or hours passing of one another.
First, there was Mr. He-----re's Johnny, Ed McMahon, and a few days later, we lost the beautiful blonde, of The famous 3 Charlies Angels ladies, Miss. Farrah Fawcett, and then almost within hours of hearing of her death, we lost the king of pop, none other than, Mr. Michael Jackson.
After hearing that Ed McMahon had died, earlier in the week, I remember thinking, oh boy, there will most likely be at least two other celebrities die before the month is over, it just seems that when famous people die, their deaths happen in three's. One goes, then 2 more. Wonder why that is? Maybe it's just that when celebrities die we notice it more.
So as we all mourn in our own way over these celebrities deaths, that brings me to my point...
How will you and I be remembered when we die? Yeah I know DEATH is a very solemn subject, and many of us would rather not think about it, but, sooner or later we all have to come face to face with that there grim reaper, as they say.
So the question I pose to you today is, how will you be remembered, or more important, at least for you and I, how would we like to be remembered?
I've heard it said by many motivational speakers that, our life is a gift from God, to us, and how we live that life is our gift back to God.
So, I ask are we living our life to the fullest? How are you and I representing God's gift, our life? Are we contributing anything back to the universe, or are we just taking from it.
More important still is, are you and I living the life we dream of living.
Now that does not necessarily mean riches and wealth, in the sense of money and material things, though that is great too, but, are we doing something in life that brings us joy, whether that be in our working life, our family life, leisure or whatever...
Find that which brings you enjoyment, and hopefully income, and do it with all your heart and soul.
Life is too short, and precious,for mediocrity, I mean sure Ed McMahon was 86, but that, in my opinion is still to young to check out, unless by that age you feel you've done all the living you want and your live has been fulfilled, hey I say much love friend happy travels. But, why not push it till 100 plus, and do all you can to stay healthy, so you have a fruitful life even at 100. There are people doing it you know.
Cyber family, I did not mean to bring on a downer here, but...
The point is, take advantage of all life's opportunities, that is if you want to, and if you would receive some benefit from whatever the opportunity offers you or could offer others.
Lastly, let us all try to remember to leave something good of ourselves behind when we do leave this plane called life. I believe the world would be a much better place because of it.
Wishing you all much love and success!
"Sick and tired of all the lies and misinformation online? Can't get your Internet business off the ground? Get yourself a suite of killer marketing tools that will help bring you to the level of a six figure a year earner for a song. Get details in my free report by visiting my site at: InternetNewbieIncome.net Get it TODAY!"
Wednesday, June 24, 2009
Follow up to Hire Yourself.
As I sit here at my computer, I've been watching one of the financial news stations where there was suppose to be an interview with Warren Buffet, I guess I missed it.
I did however catch an interview the network had with Mr. Buffet a few months back. In it they were asking Mr. Buffet what his thoughts were on our present day economy. He gave his comments, which I thought were very positive for the most part, at least with regards to the future of America. He stated that every 10-15-20 years or so countries go through down times in their economies, it's just the natural order of things, but he felt positive that America would once again bounce back. I have been thinking that all along. One just need look back in history. We have our ups and we have our downs in the Amercian economy.
It has been said, it will be the American Entrepreneur that will bring on the economic recovery to America. Because job's are pretty much going by the wayside. It is getting tough for businesses to stay competitive and profitable.
As hard as some may like to admit, the way we once did business in America, heck in the world is changing. Especially with the growth of the Internet. No more business as usual.
City and Government budgets are being stretched. Look at LA.
I personally was affected by budget crisis in my city. Because of the housing market, which means less tax revenue, in my full time job with school district I work for, we have had to take a pay freeze, the first in my 15 years there. We also had to close down one of our elementary schools, discontinue our summer school program this year and implement a hiring freeze.
Then there is my delivery route, where we drivers were forced to take a 25% decrease in our route pay, and as you know gas prices our not coming down anymore, so good by to any possible profits. My point here is not to keep spreading the gloom and doom of more bad news, but to encourage us to think outside the box and find ways to, as the saying goes, "handle our own business."
I read a great quote on the back cover of a news week magazine that said, "No one has a more vested interest in your overall well being than you!" Be it health, finances, education or spiritual growth. And, neither should anyone be more vested in your success than you.
Until next post much success to you!
"Sick and tired of all the lies and misinformation online? Can't get your Internet business off the ground? Get yourself a suite of killer marketing tools that will help bring you to the level of a six figure a year earner for a song. Get details in my free report by visiting my site at: InternetNewbieIncome.net Get it TODAY!"
Saturday, June 20, 2009
Can't Find A Job? Hire Yourself!
Some people were really dressed up in nice suits, and the ladies had on fancy skirt outfits or pant suits. Other's were just dressed somewhat casual, heck I saw a few pass by in the back ground in jeans.
As the news reporters interviewed some of the job seekers, many said they had been laid off by other companies, or the company they were with, went out of business, and a variety of other reasons they were there that morning, job hunting. I imagine there were maybe 50 companies there.
Wow 50 companies, if that, and over 30oo people looking to work at any one of these companies.
Now as I lay there in bed, I could not help but wonder, how many of those individuals who were at that job fair, ever considered, "working for themselves"? I can only imagine how much talent was in that room that day.
Many of those people probably have the answer that could solve a lot of probelms for others, and if they tapped into there abilities, they would not have to be at a job fair, they could possibly be working from home, via the computer and internet.
I once heard a quote from a radio personality, that went like this. "Do what is easy while things are hard, so that, when things get hard, you can do what is easy."
In just, what he was saying is, don't wait until you lose your income source/job to try something new. While you have employment or a source of income that is the time to pay off debt, go back to school, look for ways to increase your worth in the marketplace, or better yet, to start you own internet marketing business. Heck it's not that expensive in most cases.
Also, as Tony Robbins say's, "success leaves clues." Find someone who is successful in what you would like to do, and copy/follow in their foot steps, or better yet, have them mentor you.
Well, I'll get off my soap box. Think, Think, Think, Then DO,DO,DO!!!
God Bless!
"Sick and tired of all the lies and misinformation online? Can't get your Internet business off the ground? Get yourself a suite of killer marketing tools that will help bring you to the level of a six figure a year earner for a song. Get details in my free report by visiting my site at: InternetNewbieIncome.net Get it TODAY!"