It is hard to believe it, but spring and summer has already come and gone. My how time flies when you're having fun, and I trust you are/did have yourself some fun this summer.
In my neck of the world I, we, have been truly blessed with some very unseasonable weather, especially fro the month's of June, July and August. Here in the midwest it is usually steaming hot in these months doing the summer.
I have not had to run my air conditioner most of the whole summer period, and I'm able to raise up a window or two and enjoy the fresh air blowing through them.
Also another blessing has been the low cost of auto fuel. Since I have a part time delivery route, I have saved lots of cash in my fuel cost.
So, now that summer is about over and the kids are heading back to school, what can you and I do to improve our lot in life?
Well if you're like me, you are probably researching ways,to generate more income.
Most parents know it cost a lot of $$$$ to send your kids to school, elementary, high school or college.
Now is the perfect time to look for ways to
work for yourself,from home, that is, if this is something your aspire to.
Why not make this the summer/fall that you reach for the dream in your heart of being your own boss, I know you can do it!