Monday, November 15, 2010

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Tuesday, October 5, 2010

I'm on the move

Hi thank you for stopping by my blog, sorry I have not posted in a while, please stop by my wordspress blog I hope to come back and use my blogger blog too very soon.


Sunday, April 11, 2010

Start Smart Finish Rich?

Hello world,

I recently began to read after author David Bach, of the Finish Rich book series fame. I first came across David's material a couple years ago. I purchased one of his audio cd's, Start Smart finish Rich.

Surprisingly, I found the information on the CD quite interesting. I have been involved off and on with some sort of biz-opp for a few years and although I did make some money, it was never enough to quit my day job, at least not yet.

After listening to David's CD, it got me thinking. I am 52 years young, and although retirement for me is still a few years off, I became concerned, I was  not sure if I was financially postioned for my retirement years. 

I looked back over my working career and realized, man I have a long way yet to go to reach my finacial goals. Sure my job takes money out for my 401k, but I was so busy living my life, I had not really taken a serious look at where I was financially. Then once I did, I got scared. I thought man I have been spending my hard earned money consuming.

In the back of my mind I thought, God it may be too late for me to catch up, but after listening to David Bach's Start Smart Finish Rich and the automatic Millionaire, I began to see a little light at the end of the tunnel.

Now with each passing day I am looking for ways to reduce my debt load and increase my income.

What are you doing to Start Smart And Finish Rich? Do you have a financial plan? 

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Income At Your FingerTips!

Hello world,
It has been quite sometime since I made a post, this blogging stuff takes work, but hey anything worth while does huh?
If you're like me you probably are getting tired of all the naysayers in the media and world of politics constantly talking about how bad the economy is, the housing market etc...If you don't find a way to tune them out and take some down time, it can drive you nuts!!!
I wager, if I were a betting man, that you will sometime today, be sitting at a computer, if for nothing more than to send someone an email.
Amazingly we get so caught up in a routine that we fail to see the opportunities that are right before us.
For instance, look in your email inbox. How many emails are promoting the next hottest money making venture, or better still, how many emails are from a friend telling you to take a look at the latest joke, "AMAZING" photo someone took or, yes even "PRAYER" chain letter, asking you to FORWARD this email to "10" people, OR you willed be killed or some B.S. I know all to well, I get them daily. But, I send them, cause I don't want to be killed, NOT!!!
I got to thinking recently, yes I actually think, sometimes. I thought how many of us just unconsciously just work on our computers, forward the emails to 10 people and gone on about our day. What if there was something of value we could also pass along with those emails, since we are probably going to send them anyway. Something that we could use as a "potential profit center".
Friend every time we forward a chain letter type email, photo or whatever, we are in fact giving a recommendation or referral, only we aren't getting any $$$ in return. We make recommendations all the time, movies, songs, places to eat.
I hear you saying, okay smarty pants you said there is money at our fingertips. Right, but you have got to know here to look.
If you have the right information and skills you can literally make a killing, sure maybe not ten million dollars overnight, but hey an extra $200 to $500 can go along way in today's economy, in helping to pay the mortgage.

Monday, August 3, 2009

Got the end of summer blues?

It is hard to believe it, but spring and summer has already come and gone. My how time flies when you're having fun, and I trust you are/did have yourself some fun this summer.

In my neck of the world I, we, have been truly blessed with some very unseasonable weather, especially fro the month's of June, July and August. Here in the midwest it is usually steaming hot in these months doing the summer.

I have not had to run my air conditioner most of the whole summer period, and I'm able to raise up a window or two and enjoy the fresh air blowing through them.

Also another blessing has been the low cost of auto fuel. Since I have a part time delivery route, I have saved lots of cash in my fuel cost.

So, now that summer is about over and the kids are heading back to school, what can you and I do to improve our lot in life?

Well if you're like me, you are probably researching ways,to generate more income.

Most parents know it cost a lot of $$$$ to send your kids to school, elementary, high school or college.

Now is the perfect time to look for ways to
work for yourself,from home, that is, if this is something your aspire to.

Why not make this the summer/fall that you reach for the dream in your heart of being your own boss, I know you can do it!

Sunday, July 26, 2009

How to know if you have entrepreneur DNA?

Hello world,

I like, no love, to watch, made for TV drama series like, CSI, Forensic Files, Cold Case, etc...

It always amazes me how law enforcement, sometimes after 30 years or more, can find a suspect, because of what is known as "DNA" evidence.

They can find DNA from spit, hair, heck they can even get you DNA from a bugger. It is almost impossible to commit a crime and not leave some form of DNA on the scene. They might not get you today, or tomorrow, oh but get you they will!!!

Do you know there is a way to know if you have the DNA of an entrepreneur? I don't mean DNA from your body, your parents or family line. No, what I mean, for the purpose of this post is, do you have the makings, the mentality, of a entrepreneur? There is a way you can know.

I listen to a lot of personal development and success motivation material, audio CD's and so forth. One thing I noticed as a common theme in the CD's is, most if not all of the speakers, who have obtained some degree of success, most say that when they were a young child, they had a desire to do great things in their life.

Because most of them came from poor families, they had to work at a very young age.

Many of them had paper routes, cut yards, sacked groceries, or found some way to make money, even if it meant baby sitting their siblings and hopefully getting paid a little money in exchange.

Most entrepreneur's are not satisfied with the status quo. Or, as I like to say they Do Not Accept- (DNA,) they do not accept being average.

I can remember in my youth, coming from a family of eight children. I was raised in a home with eight women, no men. MY mom and my seven sisters. Man did we have a lot of fun and love in my home, but money was always scarce.

My mother seemed to always be working. Thank god she managed to keep a roof over our head and food on the table, and she made certain that, at least for Christmas, my sisters and I got exactly what we wanted.

Now days, kids want allowances. Heck, if I had brought up I want an allowance to my mom, she would have knocked the crap out of me. Then she would have said, I got your allowance, I'm allowing you to live in my house, eat my food and sleep in my bed, you get my drift.

So I realized very quick, if I wanted some spending money, I was going to have to go out and earn it. So, I did.

I cut yards, worked on a friend of mine's, fathers trash truck. And, at age 13 I lied in order to get hired on a summer work program for youth, when you actually needed to be 14 or older to get hired.

By the time I was 15 1/2, I was working a full-time job, bought my first car at 16, and I bought my first house at 18 1/2 years old. I must admit I have been blessed.

What I am saying folks is, you can know if you have the makings of an entrepreneur, just look back over your youth. Did you just hang around the neighborhood, playing with your friends? Or were you dissatisfied enough that you looked for, and found ways, to put a little spending change in you pockets.

Lastly, as a tip. When and if you venture to go into business for yourself, especially something like network marketing, mlm or internet marketing. When you talk to others about joining your business venture, ask them about their child hood. Find out what kind of things, if any, they did to get some spending money when they were a child. That question can tell you alot about whether or not you have a great potentail business associate.

Until next time.

God bless!

"Sick and tired of all the lies and misinformation online? Can't get your Internet business off the ground? Get yourself a suite of killer marketing tools that will help bring you to the level of a six figure a year earner for a song. Get details in my free report by visiting my site at: Get it TODAY!"

Taking Action!

Hello world,

It's been a while since I last posted, I have been busy.

Over the past few weeks I have been, over and over, listening to a audio CD by a young entrepreneur, named Ephren Taylor, called, "Motivating The Conscious."

At the ripe old age of 12, Mr. Ephren Taylor created a video game, because his parents could not afford to buy him one.

That one experience of creating his own video game, and then selling copies of it to his classmates, led Ephren Taylor to go on in his teenage years, to own two multi- million dollar companies and taking them public.

You can find more information on Ephren Taylor and get his audio CD at:

On the audio CD, "Motivating The Conscious", there are four, male, African American, multi-millionaires, who have come together over breakfast to discuss how they themselves have become successful in the business world and sharing what it takes for others with the desire, to also become successful as an entrepreneur.

Of the many great comments that were made on the CD, one in particuliar, caught my attention, and that is, most people who have become successful in any kind of business venture or any worth while endeavour, it is usually because, they were put in some kind of "uncomfortable", do or die, postion in their life.

In my previous post, Are you a risk taker, I talked about a young couple who had, because of a job loss, pretty much been forced into starting their own business. The thing is, while this couple had employment, they had a desire to start a business, but, for whatever reason they never did, that is until, after, they lost their job, (things became uncomfortable in their life).

Why is it that we humans generally wait until our backs are up against the wall, that we then, take action.

I see people daily, who have great talents, but aren't using them, especially when there may be the potential for profit in it.

What will it take to make you "uncomfortable"?

Why wait until you lose a your job, get sick, or have some other tragedy happen in your life and puts you in an "uncomfortable" situation, that then might possibly cause you to, finally, take action towards that dream in you!

When will you take action and pull the trigger on that thing you do?

Until next post.

God Bless!

"Sick and tired of all the lies and misinformation online? Can't get your Internet business off the ground? Get yourself a suite of killer marketing tools that will help bring you to the level of a six figure a year earner for a song. Get details in my free report by visiting my site at: Get it TODAY!"