Saturday, July 11, 2009

Are you a risk taker?

Hello world,

Hope you all had a great July 4th.

I spent my day relaxing, thanking God for my American Freedoms.

As I was doing some summer cleaning today, I came across an older local newspaper article, that was written back in April 2009. It was highlighting a young couple in my city that had recently went through a loss of employment.

The husband had worked for one of the large telecommunication's companies in the city and had been laid off.

What I found interesting in their story was that now that the couple was without employment, they decided to try an attempt at a business venture.

Nothing wrong with that, and I commend them, but, from what I gathered in reading the article, this was something they had been wanting to do long before the layoff, but for whatever reason, they never took a chance prior to being laid off. So, now they were really banking on the success of the business for their sole survival.

I guess better late than never, but think how much easier and pressure free their business endeavour could have possibly been, if they had started their business while they were still already employed.

The good thing though, is they do have a niche product offering and they are utilizing the internet to market it.

I have found that so many times, for whatever reasons, we put off our dreams of doing or becoming something, that could quite possibly offer us a life filled with success.

Are you a risk taker? Because only risk takers really ever achieve much of anything worth while in life.

Funny thing is, we all take risk everyday, driving to and from work, in rush hour traffic. People are doing all kinds of crazy things while driving. They are texting, eating, talking on their cell phones. Talk about risk.

We take risk while we sleep, heck who knows what danger lurks just beyond our bedroom
Thank God for his protection.

I am blessed to be employed presently, but I have had to take a 25% decrease in pay in my delivery route gig, and a pay freeze in my full time job, with possible future cuts and freezes coming. So I am looking for ways now to work for myself, especially in the arena of internet marketing.

So cyber family, how important is your freedom(s) to you and yours. Is it worth your taking a few risk to have a chance at a better life? Especially while you may have a current job, now is the time to take a few calculated risk.

Don't just step out there, get informed. do your research. There are multiple ways to earn additional income from the comfort of your home. And,
it does not have to take a lot of money to start a business online.

You will have to do your due diligence in marketing and promoting your business,
but it can be well worth the effort.

And remember,
"do what is easy while things are hard, so that, when things get hard, you can do what is easy!"

Don't put off starting that business, writing that book or whatever thing you desire to do, any longer,
get started on it today!!!!

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